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Motorcycle Accidents

Most motorcyclists have experienced a situation where a car cuts them off. Motorcycle riders should always ride within the vehicle driver’s field of view and never occupy their blind spot. Injuries resulting from motorcycle accidents can range in severity from mild to severe. The most frequent motorcycle accident injuries are burns, fractured bones, soft tissue injuries, and neck and spine injuries, which can result in herniated discs or paralysis.

Vehicle Drivers Not Seeing Motorcycles

Many motorcycle accidents occur when vehicle drivers fail to see the riders. It could be because motorcyclists are smaller than the average passenger vehicle or because drivers are often preoccupied and need help to look for motorcycles. Drivers should be mindful that they must always check their mirrors and surroundings for motorcycles, significantly when changing lanes or making left turns. Drivers must also know that the human brain can only process a finite quantity of information at once and that some information must be filtered out to focus on other tasks. Unfortunately, for some motorists, this includes ignoring motorcyclists. Likewise, those who drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs put themselves and other road users at risk for accidents and injury. 

Vehicle Drivers Speeding

While speeding is a common cause of car accidents, it can be hazardous for motorcyclists. Compared to other vehicles, motorcycles are smaller and less safe. Thus, injuries from collisions can be severe. In addition, speeding decreases a rider’s ability to react to potential hazards quickly. It also increases the severity of any accident caused by a sudden stop or rear-end collision. After an accident involving a motorbike, avoid attempting to handle the insurance company by yourself. A knowledgeable motorcycle accident attorney from will understand how to negotiate with insurance providers and secure your most significant payment. They may also assist you if you launch a lawsuit to obtain just compensation. Motorcycle accidents and fatalities are also frequently caused by drunk or drugged driving. These substances impair judgment, slow reaction times, and can blur vision. Even a single drink can affect a person’s ability to operate a motor vehicle safely.

Vehicle Drivers Making Left Turns

Often, car drivers make unsafe turns that can harm or even kill motorcyclists. For example, they may fail to yield the right of way or misjudge their distance when turning left at an intersection. They may rear-end a rider by following them too closely or abruptly stopping their vehicle. Many motorcyclists practice a maneuvering technique known as lane splitting, which involves riding between rows of stopped or slow-moving cars. It can be a valuable substitute for spending much time stuck in traffic because it is permitted in some places. However, car drivers only sometimes expect motorcyclists to weave in and out of their lane, which can cause them to crash into them. They might also miss seeing a rider’s signal when passing them.

Vehicle Drivers Driving Under the Influence

Many motorcyclists operate without a helmet, increasing their risk of severe or life-threatening injuries. These injuries can range from sprains to fractured bones, from concussions to head trauma. They can also include powerful arm and leg injuries from being thrown off the bike. Due to the impairment of their judgment, eyesight, and response time, drunk or drugged drivers present a risk to other drivers. It offers a particular threat to motorcyclists because they are more vulnerable on the road due to their smaller size. A driver who suddenly shifts lanes can block a motorcyclist’s path, and many drivers fail to check their side mirrors before opening the door. It is a common reason for collisions with motorcyclists during rush hour traffic.

Vehicle Drivers Lane Switching

While lane switching is legal in some states, it’s dangerous for motorcyclists. When drivers change lanes without looking over their shoulders, they can hit a motorcycle in their blind spot. This accident occurs when a driver passes or tries to merge into traffic. Head-on collisions between cars and motorcycles are common and often deadly. In most cases, the car driver is at fault for such crashes. Riding a motorcycle is challenging for even the most experienced riders. Inexperienced riders may need help to control their bikes when riding on slick road surfaces or around hazardous obstacles. These kinds of hazards usually appear when there is a lot of precipitation or during the winter. They also frequently occur in intersections.