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A personal injury lawyer takes care of cases involving injury to an individual from physical or psychological trauma. The case is often based on negligence or neglect and can result in a lengthy lawsuit. If you experience any of the following, you need to call a personal injury lawyer.

1. Medical Malpractice

When doctors, hospitals, or nurses are negligent in their duties, it can result in serious medical complications, life-long injuries, or even death. This can include misdiagnosis, surgical errors, wrong medications, or birth injuries. These are serious grievances that deserve legal consequences for everyone concerned.

2. Vehicle Accident

The most common of all personal injuries occur when vehicles collide. If you are ever in an automobile crash, make sure you contact a car accident lawyer Federal Way to locate medical personnel to help you through your pain and suffering. Your lawyer can also assist you in receiving financial compensation for time off work, vehicle repairs, and mental or physical suffering.

Car Accident lawyer

3. Workplace Injury

An injury or death during work hours results in a particular type of claim that can be difficult to understand, and that is where an experienced lawyer can help you. From compensation for injuries to disability claims, each state has its own set of regulations about how the Workers’ Compensation case must be filed. Let your attorney help you protect your rights by filing the lawsuit for you.

4. Elder Neglect

As the American population ages, more people opt for assisted living care or nursing home residence. The problem is that some of these dwellings are rampant with neglect or abuse of the individuals the caregivers are supposed to be protecting. When this occurs, it is a crime that requires instant resolution.

If you or a loved one are ever injured in an accident or suffer from neglect, make sure you contact your personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Knowing your case is in hands you can trust will allow you to spend your energy healing.